Friday, April 3, 2009

Thoughts Become Things

We are amazing creatures, human beings. Amazing. Born with the ability to stare truth square in it's face and not see a dang thing. Our presence has graced the face of the earth for at least three and a half million years, yet just 500 short years ago we still thought it was flat. And just 100 short years ago, we still didn't think we could ever get off the ground and fly. Which begs the question, Madame Contest Master, fellow Toastmasters and honored guests, just what timeless truths are we still missing? Well I think I know what at least one of them is and I think you know it too. In fact we've all poked fun at it without ever realizing the magnitude of our oversight. How many of you have heard the expression, "Be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it"? Hands? You've all heard it. Now how many of you also believe it's true to at least some degree? Be honest. OK. Then, how many of you have therefore given considerable time energy or thought to figureing our just how or why it could be true? Fortunately having a mother who's always inspired me to be a big time dreamer, I have thought about it. And I've come the the conclusion that there is indeed a principle at play in the universe that turns wished into reality. It's the exact same principle that powers positive thinking, and it's the very same principle that explains why visualizing is an excersize practiced around the world. It's even encouraged in our basic toastmasters manual. In three simple words that principle is this, thoughts become things. And I don't mean it figuratively, I mean it literaly. Thoughts become things. Not sometimes, but all the tims. And not just our positive thoughts, but the other ones too. Because it's an immutable law as rigid and predictable as gravity. Now I've known about this principle my entire adult life. And actually while I'm not really all that old, I've had some amazing experiences with it. My favorite of which began just two years after I graduated from college. I was working for Price Waterhouse and it took me two years with PW to finally get myself in a position where I could begin thinking about thriving in the real world instead of just surviving. And one of the things I did to help me thinking thoughts about thriving in the real world was, I created a little scrapbook . And in this scrapbook I put pictures I had take from magazines of things that I wanted like a nice watch, a fancy car, a condo, a house. And I also put in this scrapbook pictures of foreign destinations that one day I'd like to visit. London, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo and I used this scrapbook to help me visualize every conceivable detail of my dreamed of life. Well I did this visualizing experiment every single day for a couple of weeks and nothing seemed to happen. After just a couple of months, every single day, nothing seemed to happen. In fact it was almost a full year later, when one day I want to work as I always did and for the first time learned that Price Waterhouse every year sends a few select people overseas on foreign assignments, Six weeks later I was living in sunny Saudi Arabia. Which to a couple of you here might not sound like a dream come true. But I have to admit I had not spend any time visualizing myself living in the Middle East. Never even heard of Riad six weeks prior to making it my home. But I had been visualizing my dreamed of life and I don't think anything else could have taken me there quicker at that point in my life then this 18 month tour of duty to Saudi Arabia, because while I was there I earned a very considerable hardship bonus and I accrued three months paid time off to go wherever and whenever I wanted. And during those three months I went to every city and country on God's green earth that I had ever dreamed of going. Throughout Africa, Asia, the Far East, the South Seas and my heart nearly missed a beat one morning having breakfast at the Regent Hotel in Kaulin, Hong Kong, when I looked up from over my coffee to the two story plate glass wall that surrounded me and saw the exact same view of Hong Kong Island that I had cut and pasted into my little scrapbook just two years earlier. I could go on and on too, sharing with you more fantastic stories and some really sad ones all illustrating how my thoughts had become the things and events of my life, but you know who else could do that don't you? Every single one of you here because it is an immutable law the governs all of our lives whether we know about it or not. To illustrate, what happens when someone throws a ball into the air? It comes back down. Why? Because it has to, it's the law. Now, does it matter who threw that ball? How old they are, how young they are? Were they went to school, if they went to school? Does it even matter whether or not they know about the principles of physics and gravity for that ball to have to come back down to earth? Nothing matters once they throw that ball, because as it leaves their fingertips the universe and it's principles take over and that's the exact same thing that happens once you choose your thoughts so choose them wisely. Thoughts become things, whether you're visualizing or just daydreaming. Thinking the good thoughts or worrying on your way to work. Recognize this principle. Understand it's existance in your life, because then you can begin using it deliberately turning your wishes into reality and living the life of your dreams. Because whatever it is that you most want truly lies only a thought away. Madam Contest Master.
The Secret of the Universe
Stand before me on the sign of infinity, all you of the earth. With the granting of the law of provenation comes the application of change. I will give you the key. And with this knowledge please realize, comes the responsibility of sharing it. I will show you the way. It's very simple. Throughout the universe there is order, in the movement of the planets, in nature and in the functioning of the human mind. A mind that is in its natural state of order is in harmony with the universe and such a mind is timeless. Your life is an expression of your mind. You are a creator of your own universe. For as a human being you are free to will whatever state of being you desire, through the use of your thoughts and words. Ahh, there is great power there. It can be a blessing or a curse. It's entirely up to you. And the quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking. Mm think about that. Thoughts produce actions. Look at what your are thinking. See the pettiness and the envy and the greed and the fear and all the other attitudes that cause you pain and discomfort. Realize that the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude. See the affect that it has on those around you. For each life is linked to all life. And your words carry with them chain reactions like a stone that is thrown into a pond. If your thinking is in order your words will flow directly from the heart creating ripples of love. If you truly want to change your world my friend, you must change your thinking. Reason is your greatest tool. It creates an atmosphere of understanding, which leads to caring, which is love. Choose your words with care. Go forth with love.