Friday, March 20, 2009


I called this blog imagination because I suspect that imagination may be even better than intuition in developing a higher consciousness and started this blog for people to share methods they used to awaken or to get enlightenment and the talents they developed. Please add your experiences on how you became awakened and your techniques. You can make this blog what you want. Use your imagination. lol

1 comment:

  1. Duality? Should we be more materialistic, individualistic or is all one?

    I used to think I was getting somewhere materially, until I found out that inflation and taxes was eating it all up. Today you can buy a house for $300,000 that drops to $2oo,ooo and your stocks the same way. It’s a method to get your labor and then steal your money, a zero sum game. That’s why it’s smart to put some money where your mouth is, or behind and above it, at least. lol Happiness is an art and the only way I know of, that you can buy it, is by getting educated on every area of knowledge. Simple, clear information on the major subject areas is better than depth, unless you have a lot of time for one area you have a passion for. The problem with conservatives is all the things that they won’t look at. Some people are using higher consciousness to say that they, the elite, have a superior consciousness and should rule, and they do. “He who would lead, must serve”, and they do that too. The problem is the extraordinary entitlements they are willing to accept for ruling. We need a balance.
    Where does that tie in to the subjects of duality versus spirituality, oness and the nature of reality? Awareness has to be aware of something. Privately I’m hell bent to get more spiritual, but publicly I have to relate to traffic. The brain is split in-two, like a grapefruit. Intuition and love coordinate all our brain functions for the incredible power of whole brain thinking, that can handle anything the 21st century can deal us and any century to come. We have a mind that can handle forever. That mind is connected to the universe, somewhat beyond the awareness of our conscious minds. You’re going to need whole brain thinking for true peace and security.
    That all ties together in that higher consciousness gets us lower consciousness also. No matter how conscious the nut behind the wheel is, the car won’t run without lug nuts and wheels. Ordinary people did all the work to build this country, not just the rich. We have to have some sort of duality and dual worth. When we empty our minds of all the nonsense, we can see the infinite complexity of the universe. It’s a sort of duality, a complexity we can see from simplicity in thinking and we see apparent contradictions that aren’t contradictions at all. Less is more is less and more is less. And more spiritual is more carnal, runs the body better and knows not to interfere sometimes. Higher consciousness it not an end, but a place where we can juggle all the balls the world can throw at you. Not a place, just to chill, although I want all the chill time I can get, and it’s a place to stay and do our best work from. Not an end, but a place to do business from. We have to juggle parallel thoughts and feelings all the time. It’s good and bad sometimes. It’s the tension that motivates us.
    We have to feed the brain and our spirit and spirituality daily, as we feed our body, or we starve to death.
    Thinking is to compare everything with everything. All is relationships and it takes at least two, to relate. We live in a multifaceted universe. That may not be the duality of philosophers, but I have to look at everything from at least two sides, to see anything at all. The awareness and something to be aware of, even if we are floating around in spiritual bodies. Whats teleportation without somewhere to go. The mind and life requires two perspectives and seeing unity in diversity. That, to my mind, is the nature of the universe and where the mentalist and thinker can meet the activist, or doer, in the middle, connected, of one mind, but separate, in many minds, just like I can see where you are coming from and still be coming from where I’m coming from. We get a different view from different sides of the mountain top. We can see that they are both true and don’t contradict another person viewpoint either, like the two eyes compliment each other.
    It’s just that it bothers me all this talk about unity without mentioning diversity. A new world order scares the conservatives. They want individuality. Can’t we have that without conflict? I think so and it’s the same with ideas. There’s a time for them all. For Christians, you might say, there’s a time for everything under the sun. I want to stay under the sun. And Paul said, “All things are lawful, to me, but not all things are profitable”. Singularity, duality, and pluralism all appeal to me.
    I think I have the picture or at least the brain seems to put it together that way and that’s the only place we really experience and understand anything, in our minds. They, scientists, are even just about convinced that we produce all that out there, which we call the world, in our minds and it may only be there. In any case that’s the way the mind has to deal with it, as our minds are not out there, although some are. lol That can be good sometimes too. Religious ecstasy.
    Now if I could just put that clearly and even poetically, someone might buy it. It’s free, after all
